A search for “How to find my lost cat or dog” will yield hundreds of results, but are they helpful for you? I will help you save time and money by recommending my top three websites with accurate, helpful, and free information on finding a missing pet.
Missing Animal Response Network
Missing Animal Response Network or MARN is an organization founded and directed by pet detective Kat Albrecht. Kat was my mentor in my early days of animal welfare and her training has helped me to better serve communities all around the world.
This website has many resources including a pet detective directory, step-by-step advice for finding a lost dog or cat, and training for individuals and organizations in lost pet recovery techniques.
There are pet detectives listed in many states, but many of them also work remotely and travel if necessary. Often they can advise you over the phone and internet, but some will come to your location to help search or even to bring tracking dogs if that will be helpful in your case.

There are downloadable sheets with tips and blog posts with great information on effective search techniques and lost pet behavior. Some of the pet detectives involved with MARN have even written books on how to find a lost pet like the ones pictured below. You can purchase hard copies or download the Kindle versions right away.

In 2017 Kat and I participated in a study conducted by the University of Queensland, Australia on lost cat behavior. There is a breakdown of the results on this website that can be really helpful to owners wanting to not waste time and to employ the most effective techniques to get their cat back home quickly.
If you work in animal welfare or help people in your community you could benefit from training. There are several options for classes which are primarily online although they do hold live trainings from time to time. Check the website or Facebook page for updates on training opportunities.
Lost Pet Research & Recovery
Lost Pet Research & Recovery is the website of Danielle Robertson. Danielle is a pet detective who has done quite a bit of research on the lost pet subject. She is a critical thinker and writes well so this is why I recommend her content. In a sea of misinformation and urban legends on the internet, I like to recommend sites with well researched, accurate information.

This website includes a lot of free information on lost pet recovery, lost pet behavior, and search techniques. You can download checklists for your specific situation like a lost indoor-only cat or a cat lost away from home. There are blog posts on important subjects like how to search in animal shelters and how to make lost pet posters.
Danielle also offers paid services including virtual consultation and on-site service in and around Massachusetts. Other pet detectives offer similar services but I recommend her website because you can get quite a bit of valuable free information without having to pay for a consult.
Lost Dogs of America
Lost Dogs of America is a network of volunteers in every state in the U.S. Each state has its own Facebook page which lists lost and found pets in the area and shares tips on finding a lost pet.
The website includes a ton of information, all free, about missing pet recovery. Some of the many subjects include prevention, using a feeding station, and avoiding scams. They even have a podcast that you can access from the website or on whichever app you use to listen to podcasts.

LDA is very involved in microchipping which as you probably know is a big focus for me and for First Street Pets. They provide educational material about microchipping as well as chipping clinics in different areas around the country. They offer a really cool free service called Microchip Help. This service is provided by a group of volunteers who will search dead end microchips. Let’s say a shelter or rescue group finds a stray dog or cat with a chip, but it isn’t registered or the phone number is disconnected or the registered person is no longer the owner. These volunteers will spend time researching a number of other options and have facilitated many reunions that would not otherwise have been possible.
These are not the only valuable websites on the subject of lost pet recovery but they are some of my favorites. If you recommend any others please shoot me an email at info@firststreetpets.com.